Caring for the weave

1.Shampoo your hair every 7 to 14 days. Wet your hair with lukewarm water. Pour a dime-sized amount of shampoo into your palm, then massage it into your scalp and through your extension. Be as gentle as possible, since your weave can tangle easily while shampooing.

If you work out or sweat a lot, shampoo every 7 days. Otherwise, try to go about 14 days between shampoos.Opt for sulfate-free shampoos, which are more gentle on your weave and the hair underneath. Human and virgin hair weaves should be taken care of as if they were your own hair. Synthetic hair typically doesn't last as long. Consult your stylist to find out how to care for g instructions.

2.Deep condition exposed or leave-out hair. Keep your leave-out hair — the edges, hairline and part — healthy and unbroken by deep conditioning every time you shampoo. Pour a dime-sized amount into your palms and smooth it over your hair. Rub gently with your fingertips, then cover with a shower cap and wait about 20 minutes.
3.Use an antibacterial weave spray each day. A tight style, such as braids or locks, will take a long time to dry, making it more likely to develop a moldy smell. To prevent mildew from developing, use an antibacterial weave spray. Use after your shampoo and each day before you head out the door.

4.Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle. Working with wet, just-conditioned hair will make combing easier. Start combing at the bottom and gently work your way up until the weft is tangle-free. Be very gentle. If you pull too hard, you can loosen the weft and even damage your natural hair to the point it falls out.

5.Dry your hair thoroughly. Weaves can get moldy and smell like mildew if left damp. To avoid this, be sure to dry your completely any time you get it wet. If possible, let it air dry. If you must use a hair dryer, use the lowest heat setting.

5.Avoid scratching your scalp. Because you are only washing your hair every 7 to 14 days, your scalp might get itchy. Don't use your fingernails or a rat-toothed comb to scratch your scalp, since the skin is fragile and you could end up with scabs. Instead, use soothing oils and massage them gently into your scalp with the pads of your fingers.

6.Keep your hair up. To relieve tension on your natural hair, as well as prevent frizz, tie your hair up whenever possible. If you are working around the house, jogging, heading to the grocery or just hanging out, keeping your hair up will allow your weave to look fresher and last longer when you want to wear it down.
7.Cover your hair when sleeping. Wrapping your hair in a scarf at night will prevent it from tangling or getting frizzy and lumpy while you sleep. Any material will work, but many prefer the smoothness of a satin or silk scarf. Using a satin pillow case, with or without a head scarf, will also protect your weave

8. Braid your hair. An easy way to keep your kinky curly hair or body wave weave wavy or curly is to braid it at night. Once it is sectioned and braided, tie it up in a head scarf to secure the braids in place while you sleep.

9.give your hair a break. Weaves last anywhere from six to 12 weeks, depending on the weave and how well you care for it. When it is time to take out your current weave, be prepared to wait two to four weeks before adding a new one. Your hair needs that break to avoid being permanently damaged.You’ll want to thoroughly condition your hair during this time to get it in the best shape to support a new weave.

So these are some tips for you to care your wear. Wearing wig make take you some time to care of it. But the cheap human hair weave not only can save your money for styling your hair in salon but it also can keep your natural hair from chemical products.


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